REmotiFIRE by EatWanderExplore

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Exploring Fiji - The Pacific Island Archipelago

The Most Important things to know about and do in Fiji

ENGLISH: The primary language spoken in Fiji. Other languages are Fijian, Hindi, and Cantonese
How to say “Hello” in Fiji: “Bula!” (Boo-La).


Weather: Mild tropical climate all year round.
May-October: The Drier season, including cooler temperatures and less rainfall & humidity.
November - April: The Wet season, higher humidity and temperatures around 25°C (77°F)

Attire & Etiquette: Bikini and ultra-brief swim wear is acceptable at hotels & resorts, but not when shopping in towns, cities, or villages. Visitors are not permitted to poke their heads into private homes. If offered a bowl of kava, it is polite to drink it unless you have a medical reason not to. Collared or dress-wear is expected at Churches, entrance to Hindu temples or Muslim mosques are by permission only. Do not wear shoes inside a mosque.

Kava Ceremonies: Kava drinking is an important ceremony and a past time in Fiji. Entrance into local villages typically requires a gift of kava, and a kava drinking ceremony, prior to entrance.

Learn more about Fiji’s Customs & Cultures here.


Police - Dial 917
Ambulance - Dial 911
Crime Stoppers - Dial 919

Medical: Nadi Area: Lautoka Hospital
Suva Area: Colonial War Memorial Hospital or MIOT Pacific Hospitals
North Area: Labasa Hospital

Transportation: Bus and Taxi services are the primary modes of transportation. There are no Uber / Grab / Lyft type services in Fiji. Affordable Taxi Service: Narayan’s Taxis & Tours - Call Vikash at 982-0456.

License to drive: A valid home country driving license for the same class of vehicle. LEFT SIDE driving, seat-belts are required.

Electricity: 220-240 volts, 50 Hz, 3-pin flat plug is the standard. You will need a voltage converter if the appliance is 110 volts. Most resorts and hotels offer universal outlets for 240 volt or 110 volt hairdryers, shavers, etc.


Tipping: Tipping is not encouraged in Fiji - but it is at your own discretion.

Currency: The Fiji Dollar. Typically: $1 USD = FJ$1.85 - FJ$2.15 (around 2 Fiji dollars per 1 US Dollar)

VAT & Other Taxes:
Value-Added-Tax: 9% | Service Turnover Tax: 6% | Environmental and Climate Adaption Levy: 10%
Departure Tax: FJ$200 - Already included in your airfare cost

ATM’s: ATM’s are located at banks, resorts, hotels, and some shopping centers. Be mindful of where you are withdrawing money and make sure nobody is watching you or following you!

Stock Market: South Pacific Stock Exchange, Suva


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